Welding games
I'm working in the welding industry, and over the years I have stepped also into the world of games.
This is a non-profit site, sharing what I have found.
Myself I have designed just one game. The others I have found by accident, and I have no relationship to their creators.
All these games were free to play when I last visited them.

Welding Game
This game focuses on the essential: the experience of welding.
You must focus on both the speed and the accuracy of the movements.
You must focus on both the speed and the accuracy of the movements.
Just as in real welding, it is hard to see the groove through your dark welding mask. In this game, even the travel speed is the same as in real welding.

Combining all these elements, the playing feels realistically difficult. Just like in real life, your first attempt to weld is likely to fail. After a few practice rounds, you start to learn what is required.
This game is free, and there are no ads.
You can play it with any device: phone, laptop or desktop.
This game truly focuses on usability.
You can play it with any device: phone, laptop or desktop.
This game truly focuses on usability.
I've seen social media posts where welding teachers recommend this game to their students. I've seen welding device salesmen playing this game with their customers.
A hidden easter egg:
You can rotate the work piece with a mouse (shift + drag) or two fingers.
You can rotate the work piece with a mouse (shift + drag) or two fingers.
Designed by UX Vision Oy.

The Welding Game
The Welding Game is a simple-to-learn and hard-to-master game, topped with a touch of reality and real time 3D rendering.
Holding your virtual gun,
can you keep the right travel speed?
can you keep the right travel speed?
Can you beat him?
F1 driver Valtteri Bottas was invited
by Kemppi to play the Welding Game.
To make it even harder, he played
with a touch stylus tip that was attached
to a real welding gun. He scored 50290 points.

The Welder
The Welder is a story to be played.
On your first work day, you walk into the Foundry. That's all you need to know - the rest you have to learn.
Animated, written and directed by E. Bailey, music by Faith No More. Designed by Free Addicting Games.

Weld It 3D (iPhone)
Weld It 3D is a game for iOS, available from App Store.
Each level is a puzzle. First you weld the objects together, than rand the excess weld and lastly paint your object. Finally you see the product of your craftsmanship in your workshop.
Designed by Rollic Games.
Free game.
Free game.
Weld Play Game
In the Weld Play, you are the manager of a small welding company. Start working with your first welder, get the jobs done, and hire more welders. To fulfill the demand, buy more consumables and expand your workshop.
Designed by ISQ e-learning

Welducation (phone app)
In the Welducation trivia part, you answer trivia questions about welding processes. In the game part, users can weld up common welding joints with different processes.

Mr Welder - Welding Challenge
This game is hard to find in Google Play – the app does not show in the search results of my Android phone. It seems that they have not updated the game for the newer Android versions.

Weld Run
Your torch moves automatically forward, and it is very fast. Your job is to keep the torch in the groove. Once you get it done, you can watch ads to proceed.
Nice graphics but also lots of ads.
The story of the game: "Start with the lowest level weld machine. Make your investments wisely to discover new welding machines and weld better."
Designed by Jankat Gürbüz.
Available in Google Play.
Weld Merge (Android)
In this game, you click the numbers to load the battery of your welding torch. When you have enough power, you see a visual transition where a sculpture is welded.
Is clicking the numbered batteries enough to keep you hooked on this game? Your choice.

Weld Master
Collect pieces from your desk, then move the welding torch to weld them together. Simple and entertaining for very young welders.
Designed by Rex Games.
Available in Google Play.
Available in Google Play.
Welding machine 2
I see a 3D room, and a welding machine in the middle of it. I can tap the symbol on the right, and the stick starts welding. Next I am watching ads.
There might be some game interaction but so far I have not found it. Perhaps this is an evolving game proto.
By Strategiwms.
Available in Google Play.
Available in Google Play.

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About this website welding.games
- On this page GAMES I share links to games that are somehow related to welding.
- On the page SIMULATORS you can find welding simulators.
- The third page EDUCATION contains educational apps.
If you find a new welding related app that is worth mentioning, send me a mail.